Digital India Cashless India Swachchh Bharat Mission


Marketing Policies:


From time to time, advertisements are released by our Zonal/Regional Offices inviting applications for appointment of Stockists/Distributors. The application form can be obtained on payment from CCI Offices. Based on the present line of business and financial status, appointments are made. An agreement is executed between the party and CCI after obtaining security deposit. Generally persons dealing in steel, building materials and other allied products, unemployed youths, SC/ST and persons from villages having not more than 5000 population are given preference.


Parties interested in taking stockist ship of CCI may approoch either Depot Offices, Regional Offices or Corporate Office New Delhi.


However, decision of the Corporation shall be final and binding in awarding or rejecting application for stockist ship. 


Marketing Network:


In line with its consumer oriented marketing policy, CCI is committed to supply best quality cement at right price and on time. Thus CCI Cement is marketed through a well established network of Zonal offices, Regional offices, Dumps and authorised Stockists/Dealers/Distributors. However, the bulk consumers, Govt. Deptts., PSU's etc. are contacted directly by Marketing/Sales officials of CCI and orders are obtained through participation in tenders/submissions of quotations.


For any further details/enquiries contact Marketing/sales personnel at Corporate/ Zonal/ Regional offices as given below.




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